Based on our analysis, a strong profile will improve your win rate up by 40%, to help your profile stand out, we've spoken to the experts to get their top tips on making your HelloToby profile work for you. Find the Tips below.
Useful Link: Profile Example
Be the face of your business
Have a look at Whitney’s profile picture below and you will feel she is :
Help Customers know more about you
Customers have received maximum 4 quotations and might have some choices outside of HelloToby as well. How to tell your customers you are the right person for him/her? Make sure you have included the below information in your profile (Profile Description Part).
- Who are you (and your business)? Share a bit of your personal detail /company background to give your customers a rough idea. Don’t forget to register as a company if you are.
- Do you have the right experience for the job? Highlight a few examples of your works. List your relevant years in business and any training, education, or certification. Don’t forget to upload your supporting documentation.
- Are you a professional? Make sure to double-check your spelling and grammar. Customers notice the attention to detail and great communication skills.
- How is your review in HelloToby? Reviews are often the biggest influence on a customer’s hiring decision—a great review gives you credibility. To get hired more often, ask for reviews from past customers.
Company Information (If Applicable)
1. Address and Working Hours: It's important to let your customers know where they can find you. Not just for the customers you have sent the quote but also the potential customers who want you after viewing your HelloToby Profile.
2. Employee Count: More than three times as many people have confidence in small business as having confidence in big business. If you are the one, then definitely should mention it.
3. Business Registration Certificate: Once approved, your profile will get a verified company badge which helps to increase customer confidence.
4. Certifications: Showcase your knowledge and professional achievements with certifications or licenses
Show off your best work in Gallery
Photos or videos are the most convincing way to show you're qualified and to highlight your expertise. You are encouraged to upload up to 15 items (including photos and videos) to share your experience with your customers.
Example of Bridal Makeup Artist
More Info
1. Keywords: Boost your exposure with keywords. Your profile will be shown when customer searched those keywords on HelloToby. As you go through Kelvin Sir's profile, you can see he has keywords like piano, playing level, teaching infants, elite training etc.
2. Success Cases: share and inspire your customers with stories of your previous work.
3. Questions & Answers: Further explain your service by answering some frequently asked questions, which allow the customer to know more detail about your service and pricing as well.
Hint: After finished the setup, click " Profile Preview" to see how it looks like.
Reviews are often the biggest influence on a customer’s hiring decision—a great review gives you credibility. To get hired more often, you can ask for reviews from past customers (both on and off HelloToby). Even you are new Pro on HelloToby, you are still able to increase your HelloToby rating by inviting your previous customer to share the feedback on Website. For more detail, click: How to Get More Reviews?
Ready to update your profile to get more clients? YES!
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