Greetings TOBY Pros!
Some of you may have already heard of our next generation matching mechanism - the Instant Match Model (IMM). Well, in this article you will find everything you need to know to stand out as a Pro under this new model.
Instant Match Model (IMM)
Some of you might have received our operation team’s invite to join the beta test of Instant Match model (IMM), and we find out the overall Pros’ experience of using TOBY as a business platform has been improved since. Back to our goal to optimise the Pro experience, the Instant Match model provides you with another channel to acquiring clients for FREE (if you are able to rank higher), and helps you create brand awareness at ease.
By using IMM, you automatically unlock the following features:
- You can list out your service charge details in PACKAGE style
- You can show your strength by writing subtitles
- You can receive Free Enquiry from interested customers through chat room
How to activate Instant Match Feature?
We are transitioning each category into the Instant match model as we are still observing the customer behaviour and the supplier experience improvement. Once we are confident that adding Instant Match Feature would 100% beneficial to the Suppliers and our Customers, we would have a massive roll out to all Pros. However, the core competency of the IMM model that is the profile editing feature is now available to all! Pro tip: If you would like to get ahead while the pack is still thin, go ahead and optimise your profile now! This will ensure you are ahead of the pack when your service category is ready for the conversion.
So when will my service category officially become a part of the IMM system? Don't worry, we have got you covered. When all is setup, you will receive our email regarding the introduction of instant match feature. Not only, our colleagues from the Instant Match Operation Team will also reach out to you to guide you and prepare your profile for this model. So, if I were you I would keep a close look for any WhatsApp messages / phone contacts from our team ( Pro Tip 2.0: the sooner you get inducted the sooner you can get listed on the Pro listing page for your service!)
How to Rank Higher?
The treasures in pandora's box is always hidden, but one thing for sure, the sooner you get there the sooner you will find it! So, get your profile setup as soon as possible and if you do the following, you will surely be able to position yourself on a higher position on the Pro Listing. Why score higher you ask? Well, consider yourself when making a Google Query, how often would you click on the 37th result on the 5th page of that list? Exactly, so keep an eye for the following factors:
- Full use of all Profile Features (including subtitles / gallery / price package - more price items are favoured / certificates / FAQs session)
- More number of hires
- More number of good ratings
- More frequent use of chatroom (download Pro APP now)
- High response rate to enquiry customers
- Short response time to enquiry customers
That's all for this round up, if you can't wait to get started and want to reach out to our Operation team for help, you are most welcomed to reach us at
Happy Task Hunting!
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