We're happy that you found our platform useful for you and we look forward helping you grow your business. Click below to register the account:
1. The requirements for being a Service Pro on HelloToby
3. Establish Your 1st Profile (Web User)
5. Establish Your 1st Profile (App User)
The requirements for being a Pro:
1. Age 16 and above
2. Provide an authentic personal name or business name, address, and contact phone number
3. Legally allowed to provide your services in Hong Kong
4. Service Pros can only provide services on our platform, selling of products is not allowed (except delivery service)
5. The service you provide falls within a category of service that HelloToby supports
6. Money is the only form of payment for the services provided. Any other form of compensation is strictly prohibited.
7. Any inappropriate or erotic services are strictly prohibited.
Web User
1. Visit https://www.hellotoby.com
2. Click "Join as Pro" at the top
3. Click "Sign Up" (If you are the company representative, kindly click "Contact US")
4. Select your Region and Language (We support HKZH, HKEN, and TWZH), then click "Next" at the bottom
5. Fill in your name, email address and password ( You could also choose "Facebook Login", your account will be created immediate after click), then click "Next"
6. Enter your phone number and click "Send", we will send you a SMS verify code, fill in the correlate blank after receive the message and click "Next" (For landline number, please call 3703 3250 to complete the phone verification after registration. Office Hours: 09:00 - 18:00 Mon. to Fri.)
7. Read and Click "Select" to the next step
Establish Your 1st Profile (Web User):
1. Chose your Main Service Category, and select those service item you could provided, then, click "Save and Continue"
2. Select your Service Travel Preference and Districts
3. Upload your profile picture, fill in your profile name and service introduction, then click "Next" (For how to create a profile to show yours advantages to increase your competitiveness, you could refer to: Polish Your Profile)
4. Your profile is created successfully, click "Next"
5. Click "Upload" to provide your ID approval document (To protect consumers' interests, we would verify whether service providers are available to work in Hong Kong legally, for more detail: ID Approval Process
7. The message below pop-up after a successful upload
8. To increase your win rate and competitiveness, you could polish your profile with more details about your service, you could refer to the guides below:
If you are company representative, you could also upload the company Business Registration Certificate (BR) to strengthen your reliability and consumers' confidence on your service. You could visit: How to upload Business registration Certificate
App User
1. Download Toby Pro App(IOS或Android)
2. Open Toby Pro App and select your Region and Language (We support HKZH, HKEN, and TWZH)
3. Click "Next" at the right bottom
4. Read and click "Next" to the next page
5. Click "Log-in/ Registration"
6. Select "Register" and fill in your name, email address, password and phone number if you have never registered any Toby account (You could also choose "Facebook Login" to create an account immediately)
7. Click "Register"
8. You would receive SMS verify code, input the verify code you received and click "Confirm"
9. Read and move leftward to the next page
10. Read and click "Start" to the next page
Establish Your 1st Profile (App User):
1. Chose your Main Service Category, and select those service item you could provided, then, click "Next"

2. Upload your profile picture, fill in your profile name and service introduction, then click "Next" (For how to create a profile to show your advantages to increase your competitiveness, you could refer to: Polish Your Profile)
3. Select your Service Travel Preference and Districts

4. To increase your win rate and competitiveness, you could polish your profile with more details about your service, you could refer to the guides below:
If you are company representative, you could also upload the company Business Registration Certificate (BR) to strengthen your reliability and consumers' confidence on your service. You could visit: How to upload Business registration Certificate
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