In this article, you'll learn how to check the credit balance, transaction record, buy credits on Web or App.
1. Login to HelloToby account
2. Click " Credit History"
3. You will be able to find all the transaction record here
Credit Remaining: The sum of all types of credits including Free credits
Free Credits: The credit you received through Promotion which with an expiration date. The system will automatically consume your free credits first when you send the quote.
Period: By changing the month, you will be able to view the transaction records within a specific period
4. Click " Purchase " to buy the credits
5. Choose the package you would like to buy, then, input the payment info and Click " Pay "
All sales of Toby credits are final and non-refundable.
Use Promo Code: Promo Code is only applicable when you have received the code from HelloToby on a special event.
Using the website or Android app to buy credits, it's 30% cheaper than the iOS app.
1. Login to HelloToby App and switch to Pro interface
2. Click " Profile " and " Manage Toby Wallet "
Toby Wallet's Balance: The sum of all types of credits including Free credits
Free Credits: The credit you received through Promotion which with an expiration date. The system will automatically consume your free credits first when you send the quote.
4. Click " Credit History " to view the credit transaction records, you may change the month to view different transactional period
5. Click " Top Up " if you would like to buy credits
6. Choose the package you would like to buy, then, input the payment info. All sales of Toby credits are final and non-refundable.
Use Promo Code: Promo Code is only applicable when you have received the code from HelloToby on a special event.
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