We're sad to hear that you would like to remove your account. We're working very hard to enhance our service to make sure you are satisfied with it. At the moment, please inform us what cause you to make this decision and any comment for our platform, we are glad to listen and help for any concern. Kindly note if you have Toby credits in your account, it will be deleted also after the account is deleted. Please follow the step below:
Web Users:
Click on "Help Centre" at the right bottom - Provide related information and Reason of delete account
App User:
1. Click on "Profile" in the right bottom
2. Choose "Other"
3. Select "Contact Us - Enter information and Reason of delete account
Via E-mail:
Please send your delete account request, including your email address, phone number and reason of delete account to prosupport@hellotoby.com.
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